Home / Students / Code of Conduct



The Code of Conduct is established for the benefit of everyone at Sooke Elementary School.  Our goal is to assist students in developing self-discipline and a sense of social responsibility. Students must recognize that any behaviour which interferes with the safety and learning of others is unacceptable. The staff at Sooke is committed to providing safe and caring environments in which all learners can achieve academic and personal growth and responsible citizenship. The staff works in conjunction with students and parents to ensure that the school is a safe, supportive, challenging, and caring environment in which all students can enjoy success.       


Sooke Elementary School believes that all students have the right to learn in a safe and respectful environment.  The responsibility for teaching appropriate acceptable behaviour is shared between the home and school.  Only by working together can we promote positive and responsible student conduct.


Sooke Elementary School is a safe and caring school. As members of this school community we have a responsibility to act in ways that are free of:

  • Bullying, harassment, threat and intimidation;
  • Physical violence and/or violence of any form;
  • Verbal, physical or sexual abuse;
  • Discrimination, especially based on race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or age (BC Human Rights Code);
  • Theft and vandalism.

Our safe and caring school environment does not tolerate the presence of:

  • Intoxicating substances;
  • Weapons and explosives, regardless of whether real or replica;
  • Intruders or trespassers; all visitors must report to the office
  • Tobacco and/or smoking (including e-cigarettes).


Every student at Sooke Elementary School has RIGHTS.  With those rights come RESPONSIBILITIES.

  • I have the Right to learn.

It is my Responsibility to listen to instructions and work cooperatively with my peers.

  • I have the Right to be safe.

It is my Responsibility not to engage in rough play, to threaten, bully or physically harm anyone else.

  • I have the Right to hear and be heard.

It is my Responsibility to allow everyone join in conversations.

  • I have the Right to be respected.

It is my Responsibility not to tease, bother or upset other people or hurt their feelings.

  • I have the Right to privacy and to my own personal space.

It is my Responsibility to respect the personal property of others, and to accept their right to privacy.

  • I have the Right to a clean, healthy environment.

It is my Responsibility to dispose of garbage and keep our school clean.

If these responsibilities are not observed, actions taken may include:

  • restitution with opportunities to fix mistakes
  • conference with all parties affected
  • notification of parents by phone or email
  • brainstorming to solve problems
  • referral to School Based Team
  • immediate removal from classroom, playground, or privileges
  • extended removal from classroom and/or playground privileges